How Coffee Helps Me Fight Cancer


I might be up and out of bed, but the morning doesn’t really start until I hear them. Those five beautiful beeps… Our Cuisinart’s signal that coffee is ready.

Enjoying coffee is a privilege I appreciate more than ever because that’s what happens when something’s taken away. In 2016, chemo did a number on my taste buds and I barely touched the stuff. A year later, I took a second hiatus after experiencing a recurrence. I was free falling in fear and worried caffeine might hurt my chances of recovery.

But eventually enough was enough. My diet at the time was mostly salads and juicing, I had cut out alcohol… Life wasn’t very fun and it affected my mood. I took a calculated risk that the joy coffee brought was worth it. Especially if I kept to healthier coffee habits.

Turned out to be a pretty damn good decision. I still remember recovering from surgery afterward and barely being able to walk. My spirits were broken from coming to terms with yet another recurrence and my body felt off from all the meds I was taking. The days felt entirely too long and challenging; I needed a boost to get by and each morning those Cuisinart beeps brought excitement like when kids hear the ice cream truck. For those next few hours all was right in the world.

And it’s not just the caffeine rush. I love the whole experience, starting with mug selection. Kori and I used to love venturing out to NYC’s top coffee shops and I still enjoy using mugs we bought along the way. They remind me of simpler times.

Some people don’t like how coffee tastes. Well, I do! Don’t even come at me with milk or sugar. Why ruin what’s already perfect?

Once I’ve got my cup in hand, here are a few ways I like to kick off the day.


  • Writing - Coffee is the ‘idea closer’. Thoughts become more clear, more exciting… Especially with chill/downtempo Pandora radio and my Ember mug maintaining perfect background music and coffee temperature. Suddenly, the writing desk becomes a sacred workspace and I’m in my zone.

  • Weekend Morning TV - My wife knows not to book yoga or cycling until at least noon. The earlier part of the morning is reserved for our highly coveted coffee and TV moment. Depending on the mood, we’ll go with something substantial like Stranger Things, Billions and Big Little Lies or turn to Bravo for escapism during times of high anxiety. I’m not sure exactly when the routine started but it’s become our break from life’s stresses and responsibilities. For an hour - or FOUR if we’re feeling crazy- we enjoy relaxing together and focus on engaging storylines that don’t really affect us.

  • Catching up - We’re passionate about our shows, but if it’s been a hectic week Kori and I try to make reconnecting a priority. We’ll throw on music (French Cafe Lounge on Spotify is my go-to) and having coffee together provides an opportunity to re-embrace more intimately.

  • Reading - Paired perfectly with Pandora’s cool jazz radio, I try to keep up with the New York Times or Michael Connelly’s Bosch series if I’m in the mood for fiction. Always found reading to be calming. It also keeps the brain sharp.

  • Nature - When I need a reminder of how incredible our planet is, or if I just need to clear my head, I’ll grab a cup and visit the park before it gets too crowded. The whole package of fresh air, quiet and natural beauty just has a way of centering me.


  • Organic, Dark Roast - Ditch the pesticides used to grow conventional beans. I prefer dark roast because it has less caffeine. Big fan of Peet’s (available at Whole Foods).

  • Filtered Water - Drink water before and after to avoid dehydration. I always opt for filtered when possible because tap water can have heavy metals, chlorine and fluoride in it. Even use filtered water to brew coffee.

  • Avoid Sugar and Dairy - Try cinnamon which has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Savor, Smile + Breathe - Just chill for a moment. If you’re stressed or racing through the day, take 3 slow deep breathes - concentrate fully on each inhale and exhale. Thoughts will try to steal your attention but ignore them until you’ve finished that the third breath. This helps lower cortisol. I always feel more relaxed and present afterwards.

  • Alkaline - I take Green Supreme barley pills and drink celery juice to counter coffee’s acidity. When you eat/drink too many acidic things like coffee, alcohol, or fried foods it can lead to disease.

  • Stick to Morning Coffee - Try switching to tea or hot lemon water the rest of the day to avoid disrupting sleep. The second cup of coffee never tastes as good anyway.


  • Drinking coffee can be acidic. Have you read about The Alkaline Diet?

  • If you’re struggling with sleep, stress, or adrenal fatigue, check out my tips on Nourishing Adrenal Glands.

  • The Ember mug lets you set your preferred drinking temperature. I go with 135 degrees. Just keep in mind Ember uses bluetooth and is made of stainless steel, both which have been linked to cancer concerns. I try to limit using it to a few days a week. (** Not getting paid, just sharing)