The Big Screen


I know the world has moved on to streaming, but I still firmly appreciate watching at theaters. Part of it has to do with getting out of the apartment as restaurants and bars are no longer as suited for my lifestyle and concerts can be tough on my body. It's one of the few remaining options living in the city without a car, especially during winter.

As I've found myself in these recurring situations more frequently, I started to break down the movie theater process - what I've found adds to the best experience, and a few random musings along the way...

Picking a movie: Be careful with Rotten Tomatoes - yes, you want to avoid walking into a complete train wreck of a film, but after that, proceed with caution. Try going in cold - watch out for overly revealing trailers, put your phone away, and fully immerse in the moment. It's just better.

Who to bring: Well, there's date night, double date night, larger groups and 1 on 1s... You have to consider the others' style. I've found most of my friends break down into a few basic categories. Some want their experience to be light and mindless; others crave dark and edgy. I have a few who focus exclusively on plot development and predictability. Know your audience and plan for success.

Have you ever gone to the movies by yourself? If Don Draper wasn't above it, how can you be?

Timing: Evening packs the most buzz with dinner and a movie being a timeless American tradition. Personally, I love a late afternoon movie. It's always nice to walk out and still have the rest of the night ahead of you. There's also a unique joy to the matinee experience of popping out of bed, grabbing a coffee with friends and starting your day on a high note.

Concessions: Some embrace the movie snacks, including those that take it too far - I mean nachos and hot dogs... Really? Others sneak in their own, and of course you have the minimalists. I've found the combo of green tea and (medical) cannabis to be the perfect 1-2 punch. My mind is locked and loaded.

Seat selection: Mostly a race to posting up somewhere in the middle. However, I have one friend who heads straight to the back. Generally speaking, as long as you avoid front row neck damage you're in the clear.

... That is, until the girl in front of you waves towards her 6'5 boyfriend... You know exactly how this plays out. Maybe along with handicapped seats there should be an area reserved for the Tall and Abnormally Poofy Haired?

And yet, I'll contend these are just more ingredient to the theater magic. You can always count on solid people watching. More importantly, in a society that's grown increasingly divisive, there is something incredibly healing and pure about the laughs or gasps we share as the story unfolds.

Whether you're healthy, sick, rich or poor... It brings us all back to the most basic form of being human. Maybe that's what I love most of all.

Cancer Life, Finding Joy, PopularSteve